Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Computer Market this Thursday!

FOR ONE WEEK ONLY - Computer market this Thursday instead of Saturday market!
As the first Saturday of the month falls on the Easter weekend, Buyequip will be holding the Computer Market day this Thursday April 1 instead of the usual Saturday market which was scheduled for April 3.

The Thursday computer market will be held from 3pm- 7pm at the usual location -Buyequip's Remarketing Centre - Unit 2, 140 Edmondstone Street, Newmarket.

As usual there will be heaps of great buys on LCDs from $20, computers $20 and lazer printers from $10. We also have computer parts including hard drives from $10, RAM from $10, motherboards from $5, video cards from $15, barcode scanners at $25, heaps of Laptop bags for $5 and much more.

See Wednesday's email for the $5 voucher.

There will be no auction this Wednesday March 31, 2010. The next auction is scheduled for Wednesday April 14, 2010. For more information contact Buyequip on 1300 289 727.

Business eWaste Recyclathon

Proudly sponsored by Westpac, Quest and the Brisbane City Council. Supported by 1800 Got Junk and The Printing Office.

It is estimated that more than 1.8million computers and computer products are stored away in an office back room. Does this sound familiar to your business?

On April 29, 2010, we are giving businesses the opportunity to drop off unwanted eWaste for FREE. The recyclathon will be held at Milton Park (Eagle Terrace entrance), Auchenflower between 9-3pm.

Buyequip will collect and recycle the following items – computers, printers, laptops, CRT monitors, LCDs and all computer peripherals.

To participate email marketing@buyequip.com.au with “Business eWaste Recyclathon” in the subject line and provide company, company contact person, phone and email.

When: Thursday April 29, 2010
Where: Milton Park (Nerida lane entrance off Milton Road), Milton
Time: 9am to 3pm
Cost: Free

Be responsible for your purchases

Junked computers are expected to triple in the next 15 years as market demand for new technologies continue to escalate

General news...

Another busy week for Buyequip. Our Business Development team completed a tender for old IT equipment in a new computer refresh for a Queensland government department, we have been in negotiations with national transport company TOLL in the disposal of eWaste and executives from CBO - an ICT company - took a tour of our Red Hill facility.

In other news, Buyequip is hosting a Business eWaste Recyclathon in the Milton area on April 29, 2010. The event will be sponsored by the Brisbane City Council, Quest Newspapers and Westpac. As part of the event, businesses are given the opportunity to drop off their eWaste at no charge. Buyequip will handle the logistics and recycling for the event. Businesses are invited to participate - contact Buyequip for more information.

Yet another week passes and Buyequip still hear stories of people in the South-east Queensland region incorrectly disposing of CRT monitors. There are inherent costs involved with the environmental disposal of the Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT) tubes contained in CRT monitors and televisions. There is only one accredited CRT recycler in Australia which is located in Adelaide. Dismantling of CRTs is labour intensive and time consuming, and with the cost of freight and disposal to Adelaide, the handling of this eWaste is an expensive business. For these reasons, it is necessary that Buyequip charge for the recycling of large CRTs and televisions. In many cases, free eWaste services will most likely result in the items being landfilled or sent via illegitimate channels to the developing world. Buyequip only deals with accredited recyclers that can provide birth to grave tracking on IT equipment in the recycling process.

Market news....

Special Market day - Thursday April 1!
As the first Saturday of the month falls on the Easter weekend, Buyequip will holding the computer market day on Thursday April 1 instead of the usual Saturday market which was scheduled for April 3.
The Thursday computer market will be held from 3pm- 7pm at the usual location - Buyequip's Remarketing Centre - Unit 2, 140 Edmondstone Street, Newmarket. Send an email to marketing@buyequip.com.au if you would like to join our separate markets and auctions email list.

There will be no auction this Wednesday. The next computer auction is scheduled for Wednesday April 14, 2010.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Crackdown on e-waste in landfill

General news...

Another busy week for Buyequip. Buyequip completed the logistics aspect of the roll out from Queensland CSIRO sites. The next phase of the project - evaluation and reporting - will now commence.

Buyequip will again meet with executives from Redlands City Council on the implementation of e-waste divisions at the transfer stations in the region.

Buyequip's new baling machine has arrived! This will make Buyequip's operations even more efficient, particularly the processing of CRT Televisions and monitors, as we are able to bale the large amounts of ABS plastic these items produce.

Buyequip on Facebook....

If you havent already, have a look at our facebook page. Just search for buyequip. If you have been to one of our auctions or market days, you may even find a photo of yourself that you can tag.

Market news....

Buyequip's Saturday computer market is on again this weekend Saturday March 20 between 9am - 2pm at Buyequip's Newmarket Remarketing Centre - Unit 2, 140 Edmondstone Street, Newmarket.

Buyequip is attending the Ipswich Sunday computer market this weekend. Come along to the Ipswich Basketball Stadium from 9-12pm for some great bargains - there are over 20 vendors with lots of new and used computer products. Buyequip will have our usual great buys on hard drives, motherboards and ram, as well as lots of cheap computers, laptops and LCDs.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Environmental solutions for e-waste

General news...

This week has been a busy one at Buyequip. It started with our market day last Saturday - the busiest to date at our Newmarket Remarketing Centre. Over 70 people picked up bargains on computers and bits and pieces.

Wednesdays auction was our biggest to date. It was also very well attended - with approximately 30 bidders on the day and 6 or 7 absentee bidders. There were 428 lots of computers, lcds and laptops as well as some unusual finds (including a kodak carousel projector which sold for just $5!).

Our Red Hill warehouse and Recycling Centre has also been very busy, packing over 700 pieces of computers equipment that have been remarketed into the Pacific Islands. The warehouse staff are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our new baling machine next week. This will increase our ability to process CRT Televisions and monitors, as we will now be able to bale the large amounts of ABS plastic these items produce.

Market news....

Buyequip is attending the Lawnton Sunday computer market this weekend. Come along to the Pine Rivers showground from 9-12pm for some great bargains - there are over 20 vendors with lots of new and used computer products. Buyequip will have our usual great buys on hard drives, motherboards and ram, as well as lots of cheap computers, laptops and lcds.

Please email marketing@buyequip.com.au if you would like to be placed on the separate mailing list for updates, catalogues and discount vouchers for markets and auctions

Don't waste IT

Approximately 88% of End of Life computers are sent to landfill each year

General news...

Another busy week at Buyequip with more site tours, a visit to Toowoomba to inspect their eWaste disposal channel, and eWaste drop offs from more government departments and a number of corporate clients.

February was Buyequips biggest month to date for recycling. The month saw the completion of Buyequips project on behalf of Centrelink (over 650 kiosks dismantled, recycled and diverted from landfill), the biggest month to date for eWaste processed from transfer stations, and the commencement of projects with a number of government departments and educational institutions.

Market news....

Buyequip's Saturday computer market is on again this weekend Saturday March 6 between 9am - 2pm at Buyequip's Newmarket Remarketing Centre - Unit 2, 140 Edmonstone Street, Newmarket. Please email marketing@buyequip.com.au if you would like to be placed on the separate mailing list for updates on markets and auctions.

Auction news....

Buyequip's next Wednesday Auction is on again next week. Lots of Computers, Laptops, Printers and LCDs. Inspection is from 8am, with the auction commencing at 10am. Auctions are held at our Remarketing Centre - 140 Edmondstone St Newmarket. If you haven't already signed up to get a sneak peek of the next catalogue, then you can do so by emailing marketing@buyequip.com.au.

Sustainability is the key to the future

General news...Dimension Data e-week

Buyequip is the Queensland disposal site for a national ewaste campaign conducted by Dimension Data.

Titled Dimension Data e-week, all staff of Dimension Data are given the opportunity to dispose of their unwanted CRT and LCD monitors at a reduced rate.The monitors will be recycled in accordance with national environmental standards.

Dimension Data's e-week will run for two weeks.

Market news...

Buyequip's next Saturday computer market will be on next Saturday March 6 between 9- 2pm at Buyequip's Newmarket Remarketing Centre - Unit 2, 140 Edmonstone Street, Newmarket.

Please email marketing@buyequip.com.au if you would like to be placed on the separate mailing list for updates on markets and auctions.

Auctions news...

Buyequip's second auction for 2010 was a huge success with more than 400 lots sold. The auctions are now being held on the second and the last Wednesdays of the month. There are quality items on offer including LCD monitors, high-end computers, heaps of laptops and much more.

If you would like an early peak at the auction catalogue, please email marketing@buyequip.com.au