Monday, September 20, 2010

Secure green wipes...

Buyequip receives enquries on a daily basis about "what happens to the data on my hard drive when I recycle my computer?" And rightly so.

Data security is essential in today's technological environment with incidences of data and identity theft on the rise. This is of particular concern in business and whether you are a one-man show or a large organisation, necessary precautions should be taken to prevent confidential information ending up in the wrong hands.

A common misconception about data destruction however is that the hard drive must be physically destroyed to prevent data retrieval. Software data destruction offers the same peace of mind and is just as effective as physcal destruction.

So how does software data destruction work? Buyequip uses Kill Disk software that performs wiping to US Defence Department standard. The software overwrites the data with tiny algorithms (coding) and also wipes the data making it basically impossible for information to be retrieved.

The benefits of software destruction far outweigh those of physical destruction:

1. The hard drives can be reused and this is the more environmentally friendly solution

2. The hard drives can be remarketed which means a better return on investment for your assets

3. Less expensive as it is less labour intensive than physically removing the hard drive

4. Quick and convenient

Buyequip offer 3 and 7 pass data destrution whereby each wipe adds another layer of security. A one-pass wipe is performed on all hard drives at the time of entry into Buyequip's Recycling Centre. Buyequip do offer physical destruction upon client request.

Buyequip suggests -

1 pass wipe = non-confidential (everyday files)

3 or 7 pass wipe = confidential (Financial, HR or Business files)

So why not take the more environmentally-friendly option and dispose of your unwanted computers with Buyequip. For more information about Buyequip's data destruction services phone 1300 289 727

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Recycling - eWaste to resource

Old electronics are just resources in the wrong place

The Logan community gets behind the Recyclathon....

Buyequip would like to thank all who attended the Recyclathon in Browns Plains on 27th August 2010.

Officeworks and Buyequip joined forces to host the event and are very pleased with its success. Westpac were not only proud sponsors of the Recyclathon but also showed off their cooking skills at the Recyclathon sausage sizzle. Buyequip was happy to donate all proceeds from the BBQ to the Keep Australia Beautiful Queensland association.

The company mission is to provide environmentally safe outcomes for end of use electronic waste and is, therefore, happy to announce that over 2 tonnes of eWaste was dropped off. These items will be dismantled and disposed of properly at Buyequip’s Recycling Centre in Red Hill over the coming weeks.

Buyequip is in discussions with Windsor Officeworks for the Recyclathon in October will keep everyone updated on the progress.

Monday, August 23, 2010

BRISBANE based eWaste company helping the Logan community reduce their carbon footprint

To help celebrate Keep Australia Beautiful week, Buyequip will host a free, computer drop off day at Officeworks, Browns Plains on Friday August 27.

Buyequip, along with proud sponsors Officeworks and Westpac Browns Plains, invite local businesses and residents to drop off unwanted eWaste including computers, printers, laptops, CRT monitors and all computer peripherals (televisions excluded).

The 2010 focus of Keep Australia Beautiful Week is on increasing recycling to help reduce landfill waste and enable the reuse of valuable resources. The items collected at the Recyclathon will be assessed for reuse or broken down for optimum disposal utilising a range of recycling channels and methods to minimise waste in landfills.

Keep Australia Beautiful is very pleased to be associated with Buyequip’s eWaste Recyclathon day,” KAB Queensland CEO, Rick Burnett said.

“Waste management is one of the biggest concerns for Queensland’s growing population, and we must find better methods of resource recovery from everything we throw away.

“That means recovering the precious metals and components from our outdated and unwanted electronic goods and re-using them.”

There are no eWaste recycling solutions within the Logan area at present, and by teaming up with the local branches of Officeworks and Westpac, Buyequip is able to provide the community with the opportunity to recycle their eWaste and keep it out of local dumps.

Officeworks will put on a BBQ sausage sizzle for the day and all proceeds from this will be donated to Keep Australia Beautiful.

“Congratulations to Buyequip, and all those involved in this innovative Recyclathon,” Mr Burnett said.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

We're eWasting the planet

The costs for recycling electronic equipment far outweighs the financial returns from the contained materials.

Product Stewardship is the Government’s focus for solving Australia’s growing eWaste problem.

The National Waste Policy Implementation Plan discussed at the Environmental Protection Heritage Council’s meeting in Darwin earlier this month had Product Stewardship framework as a top waste priority for 2011.

But what does Product Stewardship involve? And how does it propose to solve the eWaste problem?

The Government approved Product Stewardship scheme is being constructed by the government and will be financed by the manufacturers. Manufacturers will be required to pay an import licence when bringing these goods into the country to cover the costs of recycling. As part of this, television and computer importers will be required to have a recycling program in place that will ensure the proper disposal of electronic waste.

It is also important to note that the costs for recycling of electronic equipment far outweigh the financial return from the contained materials. As such, it is argued that the costs for the recycling electronics will eventually be passed on to the consumer as the manufacturers seek to maximise profits.

In addition, the scheme does not solve the problem of the already purchased computers and televisions in homes and offices across the country. In the interim the consumer and - now more commonly - local governments will foot the bill for the recycling of these items. Corporate, businesses and the general public can utilise Buyequip for the environmental disposal of electronic waste.

Along with manufacturers and governments, individuals as consumers also need to take some responsibility for their purchases of electronic equipment. Reduce your environmental impact by sourcing recycling or reuse avenues for your computers or televisions, a small recycling fee now will prevent long term expenses in the future.

A StEP in the right direction

eWaste and it's environmental impact is under the spotlight and statistics are expected to increase significantly over the next 10 years. Australia and the surrounding region needs to act quickly to tackle the growing problem.

Griffith University hosted the first Asia Pacific StEP (Solving the eWaste problem) conference in Brisbane on Wednesday July 21 bringing together more than 100 people of various industry bodies.

The major themes of the conference were legislation, redesign, reuse and recycling. The conference had a key purpose - to collaborate ideas on the development of a strategy for the environmental management of electronic waste in th Asia Pacific region.

The Environmental Officer for Canon Australia who attended the StEP Conference said that the day provided some very useful information that will guide the development of a regional strategy.

"Keynote speakers from various countries across the globe including Greece, Japan and Taiwan spoke of their current eWaste management systems and made recommedations that will be considered in solving the issue locally".

The Asia Pacific region is certainly lagging behind the rest of the world in handling of eWaste with more than 90 per cent of electronics ending up in landfills.

Product Stewardship was the primary focus at the Environmetal Protection and Heritage Council's (EPHC) meeting in Darwin last week. As part of the National Waste Policy Implementation Plan, a national Product Stewardship scheme is scheduled to be implemented by mid 2011 in an effort to manage and deal with the eWaste issue. Product Stewardship forces manufacturers to take responsibility for electronic equipment when it comes to the end of useful life.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Testimony to Buyequip's generosity...

Charitable: Buyequip supplied the School of St Jude in Tanzania with computers as new technology is often unaffordable.

Buyequip recently donated a computer package and an all-in-one printer/scanner/photocopier to the YWCA Solomon Islands.

YWCA Progam Advisor, Kiri Dicker, wrote to Buyequip to extend her gratitude and also noted how a small contribution can make a big difference in regions such as these.

Hi Buyequip,

I just wanted to say thank you to you and your colleagues for donating a multi function printer and computer package to the YWCA Munda in the Solomon Islands!

Munda is located in a very rural area in the Western Province of the Solomon Islands, the only options for travel are a two hour flight by small plane or a 10 hour boat trip. The YWCA is one of the only NGO's operating in the area and has a huge potential to improve the lives of women and girls in the Munda area.

Until now the YWCA has only operated a Kindergarten but now we have a computer and printer we can re-open the office and begin running programs for women and girls in the area. The YWCA operates non-for-profit (in fact, we operate at a loss) and we could never normally afford to buy a printer and computer, in fact the staff member in Munda's salary is about $100AUD per fortnight (much more than most people earn) so you can see that Australian dollars go a long way in the Solomon Islands.

The printer will also be used to create revenue for the YWCA as there are virtually no other printer services in the town (those that exist are very expensive so people don't have the opportunity to print out letters, CVs etc.)

Thanks again from the YWCA team, your donation in much appreciated!

Kind regards,
Kiri Dicker
Program AdvisorSolomon Islands YWCA

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

How to recycle guide...

As a recycling company, Buyequip is often asked where other household and office items can be recycled. In order to help our customers, we have created this "How to recycle" guide so that you can be environmentally responsible with all kinds of waste.

How to recycle batteries...Buyequip can process lead acid, ni-cad and lithium ion batteries for recycling. All other batteries can be recycled at any Battery World store.

How to recycle light bulbs...Can be recycled in the electrical department of any Bunnings store. Look for the big yellow bins. For large volumes, refer to local council's websites for recycling facilities at certain transfer stations.

How to recycle gas cylinders...These can be exchanged through services such as Kwik and Swap 'n' go or in some cases can be returned to the manufacturer. Alternatively, refer to local council's websites for recycling facilities at transfer stations.

How to recycle paint...Can be recycled at local transfer stations.

How to recycle tyres...There are various tyre recyclers in metropolitan locations. Simply Google 'tyre recycling'.

How to recycle medications...Can be taken to any pharmacy for proper disposal.

How to recycle whitegoods...Can be taken to transfer stations or disposed of at scrap metal recyclers.

How to recycle IT equipment...Buyequip can process a range of electronic waste including all IT equipment, mobile phones, televisions and digital equipment. Buyequip offer a professional collection service or have drop off locations for convenient disposal.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Buyequip's second eWaste recyclathon proves this initiative a success!

Buyequip teamed up with Officeworks and Wesptac on Saturday June 26 2010 to provide a free eWaste drop off day for the people of Brisbane.

The eWaste Recyclathon was held at Officeworks in Milton and more than three tonnes of eWaste was collected comprising of monitors, computers and computer peripherals.

Officeworks Manager and Westpac manager on the BBQ.

Westpac Manager, Dean Marsh, was on the BBQ and raised $390 for Lifeline Community Care Queensland.

Milton Officeworks Manager, Ken Stern, said that the Recyclathon was a highly beneficial event for all parties involved.

"It was great to see the community utilising this opportunity to dispose of electronics in an environmentally-friendly manner and Officeworks was proud to facilitate this," Mr Stern said.

"The generous donations from the public were greatly appreciated and raised an impressive $390 for Lifeline.”

Buyequip will host eWaste Recyclathons in various Brisbane locations throughout 2010, contact Buyequip if you think that your suburb would support this environmental initiative. Ph: 1300 289 727.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Drop off eWaste day for Lifeline

IN conjunction with Officeworks Milton, Westpac and Quest Community Newspapers, Buyequip will host its second free eWaste drop off day for 2010.

Our 20 foot container is currently being emblazoned with the Buyequip logo and will be delievered to the Officeworks store on Friday.

Officeworks Milton manager, Ken Stern, said that many businesses, schools and residents in the area were keen to participate with some people already dropping down one to two computers and printers.

"This is a great opportunity to provide the local community with a service that ensures the best environmental outcomes for this toxic waste stream and I am certain that the people of Brisbane will support it," Mr Stern said.

Officeworks megastore in Milton will be a hub of activity on Saturday June 26 with people dropping off eWaste, Westpac on the BBQ and a rush of shoppers purchasing goods before the end of the financial year.

The gold coin contributions from the sausage sizzle will be donated to Lifeline Community Care Queensland - an environmentally-friendly, community organisation.

Contact Buyequip for more information on 1300 289 727 or

When: Saturday June 26, 2010 between 9-3pm Where: Officeworks Milton (Milton road)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Community awareness to solve eWaste problem...

Computers...we can't live without them, so let's live with them. Recycling computers is integral to a sustainable future.

IN conjunction with Officeworks Milton and Westpac, Buyequip will host a free eWaste drop off day at the end of the month.

On Saturday June 26, the Officeworks megastore in Milton will be a hub of activity. In a rush to purchase new IT goods before the end of the financial year, the people of Brisbane are also given the opportunity to dispose of their now unwanted eWaste.

Buyequip's Client Relations Manager Brooke McIlveen said that it is great to have Officeworks and Wesptac on board.

“Lack of community awareness is one of the biggest issues the current eWaste problem. As technology continues to evolve, people are frequently purchasing new items but are unsure how to dispose of their old electronics properly."

"Buyequip have collaborated with Ken Stern and his team at Officeworks Milton to host another Recyclathon in the hope to make knowledge of the responsible disposal of eWaste more widespread."

“Initiatives such as the Recyclathon work to educate the wider community while also provide a convenient solution for the environmental disposal of eWaste," Miss McIlveen said.

Buyequip will collect all computers, monitors, LCDs, printers, laptops and computer peripherals at the Recyclathon. These items will be assessed for reuse or broken down for optimum disposal utilising a range of recycling channels.

Diverting electronic waste from landfill removes the possible danger of hazardous substances such as lead, cadmium and mercury leaching into the soil.

Westpac will be cooking a sausage sizzle so bring along your old IT equipment, have a browse in the Officeworks store and enjoy a sandwich in the sunshine.

"Westpac were major sponsors of Buyequip's April Recyclathon, which resulted in more than 8 tonnes of eWaste collected. Manager of Westpac Toowong, Dean Marsh, has demonstrated a commitment to the Brisbane community by supporting this environmental initiative and we are privileged to have them as sponsors once again," Miss McIlveen said.

Buyequip's new services...

Valuations - Buyequip’s vast product offering now includes a comprehensive valuation reporting service for your business. Whether you are setting forecast budgets or require an up-to-date market appraisal for insurance reasons, we can value your IT platform from a PC to your entire infrastructure. Call Buyequip today.

Cisco - As an industry expert in the remarketing of used IT equipment, we have an ever increasing demand for second hand Cisco equipment. If you have Cisco gear that you are finished with or about to decommission for disposal, please speak to Buyequip about this service.

Market news....

Buyequip holds a Computer Market on the first and third Saturdays of the month. Buyequip's Saturday Computer Market is this weekend June 5, 2010 - at Buyequip's Remarketing Centre - Unit 2, 140 Edmondstone Street, Newmarket.

Send an email to if you would like to join our separate markets and auctions email list for updates on market stock and vouchers.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Facebook and Twitter...

Buyequip has a strong social media presence with profiles on both Facebook and Twitter. Become one of our fans or followers by searching for "Buyequip". Our posts provide updates on what is happening at Buyequip as well as direct you to interesting information/articles on the eWaste and the environmental issues.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Red Hill business reaches out to Women in the Soloman Islands

Photo: YWCA volunteer Rebecca Cassidy (left) with Buyequip's Brooke McIlveen.

YWCA Munda in the Soloman Islands now has a brand new printer/scanner/fax and P4 computer thanks to the generosity of Buyequip.

YWCA is a global network of women that aim to improve and support the lives of women and girls throughout the world.

Buyequip was approached by YWCA Australia volunteer Rebecca Cassidy when she recently returned from an assignment in the Soloman Islands. Miss Cassidy visited the Munda branch of the YWCA located in a remote and rural area on the Western Province of the Soloman Islands.

Miss Cassidy spoke of her enlightening experience in this developing country where power and internet connections are still unavailable in many regions.

"To most people in Australia, computers are a basic item to have in the office or home but in the Soloman Islands they are a rare and expensive commodity with only a small number of shops selling them," Miss Cassidy said.

The YWCA is one of the only NGO's operating in the area and has huge potential to improve the lives of women and girls in the Munda area.

"Buyequip's charitable donation will make a huge difference - until now the YWCA has only operated a Kindergarten but with a computer and printer they can re-open the office and begin running programs for women and girls in the area."

"The printer will also be used to create revenue for the YWCA Munda as there are virtually no other printer services in the town and those available are unaffordable for most people in the community," Miss Cassidy said.

Social responsibility is fundamental to Buyequip's business strategy with regular donations to charity and other causes. Buyequip will donate another two computers with monitors to a local Brisbane Child Care Centre over the coming week. These computers will be used in the Child Care Centre as part of the Pre-prep program for 3 to 5 aged children, which are designed to introduce and familiarise children with technologies for educational development.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Brisbane's first Business eWaste drop off!

IN a first for Brisbane, businesses are able to dispose of their eWaste at a free Recyclathon to be held at Milton Park on April 29.

Red Hill business Buyequip will handle the logistics and the recycling of all eWaste collected from the event.

Buyequip Client Relations Manager Brooke Mcilveen said businesses should get on board and use this opportunity to drop off eWaste on a weekday.

“eWaste drop off days of the past have always been held on the weekends when many businesses are closed. Buyequip’s business eWaste Recyclathon caters for businesses as it is being held during business hours.”

eWaste items include computers, LCD monitors, printers, laptops, fax machines and keyboards.

Ms McIlveen said 1.6 million computers were dumped in landfill each year.

“The Recyclathon encourages businesses to be environmentally responsible with eWaste and this environmental initiative helps to minimise the presence of computers and all IT equipment in landfill.”

The materials obtained from the Recycalthon are broken down for optimum disposal and, utilising a range of recycling channels, Buyequip ensures best practice for the environment’s protection.

The Brisbane eWaste Recycalthon is sponsored by the Brisbane City Council, Westside News and Westpac.

Miss Mcilveen said that many businesses, schools and Lifeline Charity store had already confirmed they will drop off eWaste on April 29.

“The business that drops off the most eWaste will be presented with a “green” plaque to acknowledge their environmental efforts.”

For more information or to participate contact Brooke McIlveen at Buyequip on 1300 289 727 or email

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


With approximately 1.6million computers dumped in landfill each year, a Brisbane business is doing its part to ensure eWaste is reused or recycled.

Sponsored by the Brisbane City Council, Quest Newpapers and Westpac, Buyequip is giving businesses in Brisbane the opportunity to environmentally dispose of their unwanted IT equipment for free.

Titled ‘Business eWaste Recyclathon’, on Thursday April 29, 2010 businesses are able to drop off unwanted and unused IT equipment to Milton Park, Milton between 9-3pm at no charge.

It can cost up to $40 to dispose of a computer and monitor via the proper recycling channels but Buyequip and sponsors of the eWaste Recycalthon will foot the disposal bill and waive the fees for the day.

Buyequip’s Client Relations Manager, Brooke Mcilveen, said that this initiative is a great way for businesses to demonstrate environmental responsibility without outlaying any costs.

“The recyclathon gives businesses in the area the opportunity to clean out their storeroom and minimise the presence of eWaste in landfill.”

Buyequip will collect and recycle all computers, LCDs, CRT monitors, printers, laptops and all computer peripherals. The items will then be returned to Buyequip’s Red Hill recycling facility to be dismantled into their various components and then sent downstream for further processing and remanufacture.

Miss Mcilveen said that there had been much interest generated for the event.

“We are aiming to get at least 200 businesses in the surrounding area to participate in the Recycalthon by dropping off their eWaste.”

“With few opportunities to recycle eWaste for free, businesses should load up their vehicles and drop it down to Milton Park, Milton on April 29.”

Buyequip plan to hold the Business eWaste Recyclathon regularly in various locations across Brisbane in 2010.

When: Thursday April 29, 2010
Where: Milton Park (Nerida Lane entrance off Milton Road), Milton
Time: 9-3pm
Cost: Free

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Computer Market this Thursday!

FOR ONE WEEK ONLY - Computer market this Thursday instead of Saturday market!
As the first Saturday of the month falls on the Easter weekend, Buyequip will be holding the Computer Market day this Thursday April 1 instead of the usual Saturday market which was scheduled for April 3.

The Thursday computer market will be held from 3pm- 7pm at the usual location -Buyequip's Remarketing Centre - Unit 2, 140 Edmondstone Street, Newmarket.

As usual there will be heaps of great buys on LCDs from $20, computers $20 and lazer printers from $10. We also have computer parts including hard drives from $10, RAM from $10, motherboards from $5, video cards from $15, barcode scanners at $25, heaps of Laptop bags for $5 and much more.

See Wednesday's email for the $5 voucher.

There will be no auction this Wednesday March 31, 2010. The next auction is scheduled for Wednesday April 14, 2010. For more information contact Buyequip on 1300 289 727.

Business eWaste Recyclathon

Proudly sponsored by Westpac, Quest and the Brisbane City Council. Supported by 1800 Got Junk and The Printing Office.

It is estimated that more than 1.8million computers and computer products are stored away in an office back room. Does this sound familiar to your business?

On April 29, 2010, we are giving businesses the opportunity to drop off unwanted eWaste for FREE. The recyclathon will be held at Milton Park (Eagle Terrace entrance), Auchenflower between 9-3pm.

Buyequip will collect and recycle the following items – computers, printers, laptops, CRT monitors, LCDs and all computer peripherals.

To participate email with “Business eWaste Recyclathon” in the subject line and provide company, company contact person, phone and email.

When: Thursday April 29, 2010
Where: Milton Park (Nerida lane entrance off Milton Road), Milton
Time: 9am to 3pm
Cost: Free

Be responsible for your purchases

Junked computers are expected to triple in the next 15 years as market demand for new technologies continue to escalate

General news...

Another busy week for Buyequip. Our Business Development team completed a tender for old IT equipment in a new computer refresh for a Queensland government department, we have been in negotiations with national transport company TOLL in the disposal of eWaste and executives from CBO - an ICT company - took a tour of our Red Hill facility.

In other news, Buyequip is hosting a Business eWaste Recyclathon in the Milton area on April 29, 2010. The event will be sponsored by the Brisbane City Council, Quest Newspapers and Westpac. As part of the event, businesses are given the opportunity to drop off their eWaste at no charge. Buyequip will handle the logistics and recycling for the event. Businesses are invited to participate - contact Buyequip for more information.

Yet another week passes and Buyequip still hear stories of people in the South-east Queensland region incorrectly disposing of CRT monitors. There are inherent costs involved with the environmental disposal of the Cathode Ray Tubes (CRT) tubes contained in CRT monitors and televisions. There is only one accredited CRT recycler in Australia which is located in Adelaide. Dismantling of CRTs is labour intensive and time consuming, and with the cost of freight and disposal to Adelaide, the handling of this eWaste is an expensive business. For these reasons, it is necessary that Buyequip charge for the recycling of large CRTs and televisions. In many cases, free eWaste services will most likely result in the items being landfilled or sent via illegitimate channels to the developing world. Buyequip only deals with accredited recyclers that can provide birth to grave tracking on IT equipment in the recycling process.

Market news....

Special Market day - Thursday April 1!
As the first Saturday of the month falls on the Easter weekend, Buyequip will holding the computer market day on Thursday April 1 instead of the usual Saturday market which was scheduled for April 3.
The Thursday computer market will be held from 3pm- 7pm at the usual location - Buyequip's Remarketing Centre - Unit 2, 140 Edmondstone Street, Newmarket. Send an email to if you would like to join our separate markets and auctions email list.

There will be no auction this Wednesday. The next computer auction is scheduled for Wednesday April 14, 2010.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Crackdown on e-waste in landfill

General news...

Another busy week for Buyequip. Buyequip completed the logistics aspect of the roll out from Queensland CSIRO sites. The next phase of the project - evaluation and reporting - will now commence.

Buyequip will again meet with executives from Redlands City Council on the implementation of e-waste divisions at the transfer stations in the region.

Buyequip's new baling machine has arrived! This will make Buyequip's operations even more efficient, particularly the processing of CRT Televisions and monitors, as we are able to bale the large amounts of ABS plastic these items produce.

Buyequip on Facebook....

If you havent already, have a look at our facebook page. Just search for buyequip. If you have been to one of our auctions or market days, you may even find a photo of yourself that you can tag.

Market news....

Buyequip's Saturday computer market is on again this weekend Saturday March 20 between 9am - 2pm at Buyequip's Newmarket Remarketing Centre - Unit 2, 140 Edmondstone Street, Newmarket.

Buyequip is attending the Ipswich Sunday computer market this weekend. Come along to the Ipswich Basketball Stadium from 9-12pm for some great bargains - there are over 20 vendors with lots of new and used computer products. Buyequip will have our usual great buys on hard drives, motherboards and ram, as well as lots of cheap computers, laptops and LCDs.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Environmental solutions for e-waste

General news...

This week has been a busy one at Buyequip. It started with our market day last Saturday - the busiest to date at our Newmarket Remarketing Centre. Over 70 people picked up bargains on computers and bits and pieces.

Wednesdays auction was our biggest to date. It was also very well attended - with approximately 30 bidders on the day and 6 or 7 absentee bidders. There were 428 lots of computers, lcds and laptops as well as some unusual finds (including a kodak carousel projector which sold for just $5!).

Our Red Hill warehouse and Recycling Centre has also been very busy, packing over 700 pieces of computers equipment that have been remarketed into the Pacific Islands. The warehouse staff are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our new baling machine next week. This will increase our ability to process CRT Televisions and monitors, as we will now be able to bale the large amounts of ABS plastic these items produce.

Market news....

Buyequip is attending the Lawnton Sunday computer market this weekend. Come along to the Pine Rivers showground from 9-12pm for some great bargains - there are over 20 vendors with lots of new and used computer products. Buyequip will have our usual great buys on hard drives, motherboards and ram, as well as lots of cheap computers, laptops and lcds.

Please email if you would like to be placed on the separate mailing list for updates, catalogues and discount vouchers for markets and auctions

Don't waste IT

Approximately 88% of End of Life computers are sent to landfill each year

General news...

Another busy week at Buyequip with more site tours, a visit to Toowoomba to inspect their eWaste disposal channel, and eWaste drop offs from more government departments and a number of corporate clients.

February was Buyequips biggest month to date for recycling. The month saw the completion of Buyequips project on behalf of Centrelink (over 650 kiosks dismantled, recycled and diverted from landfill), the biggest month to date for eWaste processed from transfer stations, and the commencement of projects with a number of government departments and educational institutions.

Market news....

Buyequip's Saturday computer market is on again this weekend Saturday March 6 between 9am - 2pm at Buyequip's Newmarket Remarketing Centre - Unit 2, 140 Edmonstone Street, Newmarket. Please email if you would like to be placed on the separate mailing list for updates on markets and auctions.

Auction news....

Buyequip's next Wednesday Auction is on again next week. Lots of Computers, Laptops, Printers and LCDs. Inspection is from 8am, with the auction commencing at 10am. Auctions are held at our Remarketing Centre - 140 Edmondstone St Newmarket. If you haven't already signed up to get a sneak peek of the next catalogue, then you can do so by emailing

Sustainability is the key to the future

General news...Dimension Data e-week

Buyequip is the Queensland disposal site for a national ewaste campaign conducted by Dimension Data.

Titled Dimension Data e-week, all staff of Dimension Data are given the opportunity to dispose of their unwanted CRT and LCD monitors at a reduced rate.The monitors will be recycled in accordance with national environmental standards.

Dimension Data's e-week will run for two weeks.

Market news...

Buyequip's next Saturday computer market will be on next Saturday March 6 between 9- 2pm at Buyequip's Newmarket Remarketing Centre - Unit 2, 140 Edmonstone Street, Newmarket.

Please email if you would like to be placed on the separate mailing list for updates on markets and auctions.

Auctions news...

Buyequip's second auction for 2010 was a huge success with more than 400 lots sold. The auctions are now being held on the second and the last Wednesdays of the month. There are quality items on offer including LCD monitors, high-end computers, heaps of laptops and much more.

If you would like an early peak at the auction catalogue, please email